How to Eat Healthy: Identify Your Food Environment

How to Eat Healthy: Identify Your Food Environment

Life: Sometimes It's a Party. Sometimes It's a Pothole, Nutrition
In our last post, we discussed step one on how to eat healthy – identify your relationship with food. We are back with step two - identify your food environment. When it comes to life choices, we are absolutely in the driver seat of the car of our lives. However, we don’t get to control the weather, the condition of the road, or even the availability of qualified mechanics who can keep our cars running. This is to say, we make choices, but outside factors can impact our choices or even limit our options. The following points will help identify some ways to maneuver around roadblocks that could be in the way on your healthy eating journey. So, let’s get to it! Proximity to stores and restaurants You can only…
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Self-Care: What It’s Not

Self-Care: What It’s Not

Life: Sometimes It's a Party. Sometimes It's a Pothole
Bubble baths, massages, sipping wine, and playing vinyl - Are these a few of your favorite things? Or, maybe this is what we are told self-care is. Overall health, and how to achieve it, will always be a topic of conversation. But these days, there are more conversations on the importance of self-care. If you’ve been on an airplane, you’ve heard the instruction to put on your own oxygen mask before helping someone else. But what does this mean in the real world? How can we practice self-care? Before we can explore ways to personalize and prioritize self-care, let’s have an honest conversation of what it’s not. It’s not: A meaningless indulgence Each person needs something different to reduce their stress. For example, some people take walks to reduce stress.…
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