Teaching older children about breastfeeding

Teaching older children about breastfeeding

Breastfeeding, Infant Health
Breastfeeding in front of older children Child learning about breastfeeding Breastfeeding parents need support from so many people - partners, parents, doctors, employers and society in general. Supportive adults didn't become that way over night, they learned empathy and understanding as children. So, one of the best ways to create a world full of adults that are supportive and respectful, is to teach older children about breastfeeding at an early age. Teach your older children about breastfeeding by explaining that: Your body makes food for the baby: Your body has actually been preparing for this from the time you had your first menstrual cycle. Breast milk helps to protect the baby from getting sick: Your body creates and passes anti-bodies that supports the baby's immune system. Breast milk is one…
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“Nobody Told Me There’d Be Days Like This”

“Nobody Told Me There’d Be Days Like This”

"It's best!" "It's natural." "Everything will fall into place." "You will create a deep bond." All things people say about breastfeeding. What the classes don't often say is, "It will be challenging," "You may get frustrated," "You may feel alone and want to quit." When does this anticipatory guidance surface? When are you prepared for the hard times? In the same way that society informs you of, "What to Expect When You Are Expecting," we should be informed about the potential potholes that appear on the breastfeeding journey - not just why it's a worthy journey of pursuing. Breastfeeding is truly all of the beautiful things that people describe it as, but it can also be hard, mentally taxing, inconvenient (especially when you are having a selfish moment and just…
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